Wednesday, February 22, 2012

RIM's Blackberry server in Mumbai

Yesterday, 22nd February 2012, news started coming in that RIM is finalizing it's servers here in Mumbai ( or Bombay ), India. Due to the 26/11 attacks, the government is trying to beef up the security all around Mumbai since the years. A new commando base of the NSG ( National Security Guard ) has also been setup.

It was seen most of the terrorists were using text messaging and Blackberry Messenger to coordinate attacks in Mumbai. The Indian government pushed for monitoring of BBM back in 2008, the year of the 26/11 attacks.

In 2010, RIM was just about to get banned, when they made certain promises to Indian government officials.

As much as 5000 Enterprise servers have been installed in Mumbai, and around 500 million users will be monitored. What do you know, the sarkar might be reading this too!

Thanks for reading, If you have any suggestions of tips,
leave them below!

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