Saturday, April 30, 2011

White iPhone 4 Thicker than Black iPhone 4

The white iPhone ate too many burgers.
Yes, it is true. The white iPhone 4 is thicker than the normal jet black iPhone 4. I am appalled. It's appalling ! I mean it's just another colour. Apple has always been good with colours, with the iPod Nanos to all other products, it was perfect.
The White iPhone 4 is fatter.

However, the white iPhone 4 has been reported to be 'fat'.

I know, it's not a lot, but it is always harmful to have this differentiation. I mean Apple is a professional company. They should be consistant with their products !

But, possibly this is because they have tweaked the antenna and perfected it possibly ? That was just a guess, not a fact. The reason is unknown to me. I researched the internet, in vain. But I finally found the fact. Click here for the post.

It is just slightly fatter and the difference can be vividly noticed only when the two phones are brought very close together.

This is all just weird. Someone once said "If you do not understand something, consider it art". 

There is little difference.
 Image courtesy :

 I do not understand this at all.

Thanks for listening out to my opinions,
We'd love some suggestions, Please comment,

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