Thursday, May 17, 2012

Anonymous, Indian government, and Operation India

On May 17th, the popular hacker group, Anonymous declared the 'Operation India', against the censorship and the blockage of torrent website by the Indian Government. They have hacked the website of the ruling Congress party, and the website of the Rajya Sabha, that is the upper house of the Union Parliament.

This is the message that was given by one of the videos.

Hello world. This is Anonymous. It has come to our attention the seriousness of the injustice that the people of India are suffering. Suffering from the denial of their freedom of speech. Something many of use take for granted. From blunt and brutal physical assault to sophisticated technical barriers -- and the more insidious corporate threat from within -- the Indian press and media has been under attack over the last year. Since January, one journalist has been killed, and there have been nine other attacks on journalists. There have been six instances of intimidation of journalists and writers, the blocking of 11 websites, telephone taps on political leaders and civil society activists, hate speeches on Facebook, the social networking site, and censorship of books and films. This is not only immoral. It is sickening. Murder simply to deny people their natural rights. However the FBI is looking for Anonymous. We have not hurt anyone but murderers are allowed to roam free. This is not a threat to the Indian government. It is a formal warning. If there is not a change in the handling of your press as well as your freedom policies. 
We are Anonymous, we are legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget, expect us.


I personally support Anonymous. The Indian government of the ruling congress party has been unable to put the corrupt behind bars, and those who already were in Tihar jail, have been released on bail, like Mr A Raja, whose corruption cost the state approximately 5 billion US Dollars. 

Anyonymous, the Indian people are with you. We are aware of the injustice we are facing. It's time to rise.

We are Anonymous, 
we are legion, 
we do not forgive, 
we do not forget, 
expect us.

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