Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Republic Day, India

Today, 61 years ago, in 1950, India constituted as a Democratic, Socialist, and Federal Republic.
We've been a long way since then. India was divided into 2, India and Pakistan. People Died. A lot of them.

50% of India's population were Below Poverty Line, thanks to the partition and many other factors.
Now, we are a 1 trillion$ economy, and it HAS NOT come easy.

Having a 2 lane road, in the country gave you a sense of pride. Now, 12 lane roads seem small, like the Western Express Highway in Mumbai.
We have South-Asia's tallest buildings, 60 stories tall, and we are going for the worlds tallest residential tower, called 'World One', going head to head with Dubai's 'Pentominium'.

I salute my nations, and all other nations that have helped it grow, like the USA, UK, Russia, Japan. I salute China for being such a great inspiration to us.

Happy Republic Day; Jai Hind !

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